Since 1916, Primrose Oil Company has been at the forefront of the lubricant and fuel treatment industries. Primrose Plus, Premium Select, Syn-O-Gen®, and Enviro Blend® highlight our commitment to maintaining leadership in these industries. Primrose Oil Co. is always conscious of providing a ‘total value’ product. This results in top quality products able to outperform normal expectations. Superior performance directly improves ‘the bottom line’ by reducing maintenance costs while increasing overall equipment productivity. Primrose Oil Company remains at the forefront of the lubricant industry.
Diesel Fuel Additives

5007 Power Klenz ID
Injector nozzle coking is not the only concern faced by modern high pressure common rail (HPCR) engines. Internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) are causing substandard performing injectors that lead to decreased power, decreased fuel economy, and increased regulated emissions. This coupled with other ailments, which can be present in ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD), require the need for a Premium Select™ premium diesel additive (PDA).Power Klenz ID (PKID) 5007 is a Premium Select PDA engineered to eliminate injector problems associated with today’s HPCR engines, enhance many other qualities of fuel and may be used in traditional diesel engines. PKID 5007 provides Premium Diesel qualities to ULSD in terms of detergency, stability, lubricity and cetane number. PKID 5007 contains a powerful cetane improver for maximum boost in power and performance and vastly superior IDID quick clean / keep clean additives.

5757 Winter Klenz ID With Ice Check
Injector nozzle coking is not the only concern faced by modern high pressure common rail (HPCR) engines. Internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) are causing substandard performing injectors that lead to decreased power, decreased fuel economy, and increased regulated emissions. This coupled with other ailments, which can be present in ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD), require the need for a Premium Select™ premium diesel additive (PDA).

5055 Rescue Rx™
Injector nozzle coking is not the only concern faced by modern high pressure common rail (HPCR) engines. Internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) are causing substandard performing injectors that lead to decreased power, decreased fuel economy, and increased regulated emissions. This coupled with other ailments, which can be present in ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) – require the need for a Premium Select ™ premium diesel additive (PDA).

404 Fire-Power
Fire-Power Diesel Concentrate is a concentrated cetane improver which also contains a highly effective fuel stability package. It will tremendously upgrade power and performance in all diesel equipment, increasing mileage and providing maintenance economy. Storage stability of fuels will be greatly increased and diesel engines will be kept in a much cleaner, more maintenance-free condition.

400 Protect-O-Lube
Protect-O-Lube® was developed for the U.S. Defense (War) Department in the early 1940’s. Protect-O-Lube® is a multifunction product with a multitude of applications. Protect-O-Lube® cleans as well as lubricates. It is compatible with crankcase oil, hydraulic, compressor and turbine/circulating oils. It is recommended for use in diesel fuel* and gasoline. Organic acids are neutralized and oxidation is stabilized.
Gasoline Additives

3000 Phaser Prevents and Reverses Phase Separation
A modern fuel stabilizer, Phaser 3000® is recommended for use in gasoline or diesel* engines to increase performance, reduce downtime, clean, neutralize the harmful effects of engine acids, remove carbon, gum, sludge, and varnish from valves, cylinders, pistons, fuel injectors and carburetors. When ethanol blended gasoline reaches its saturation point because of contamination with H2O, multiple layers are formed. The top layer is gasoline with a lower octane rating, and the bottom is a mixture of water and ethanol that will not ignite during engine combustion. If ethanol blended gasoline reaches this state, a phenomenon known as Phase Separation, the engine can be detrimentally affected. This is where Phaser 3000® is necessary because it can actually return these separated layers back to one clear, homogeneous mixture. In this process, Phaser 3000® absorbs H2O molecules in the phase separated gasoline by breaking the ethanol-water H bond and encapsulating the H2O molecules, thus returning the separated layers back into one mixture. The H2O molecules that are absorbed in Phaser 3000® are then eliminated during the normal combustion process of an engine.

3030 Laser Octane Booster Additive
Laser 3030 is a highly sophisticated octane booster technology combined with a detergent additive package and water dispersion additive that is highly effective for various types of gasoline fuel including ethanol blends. It is a versatile multifunctional additive that provides superior control of intake valve deposits (IVD), port fuel injection deposits (PFID) and combustion chamber deposit control. Laser 3030 is made for all-weather, year round use and provides superb corrosion protection.
Oil Additives

480M Armor Plate with Moly-D Ultragard
Armor Plate with Moly-D Ultragard is a highly viscous oil supplement which contains a shear-stable viscosity index improver to beef up any oil’s film strength and the ability to keep engines cleaner. But, in addition, it contains a concentrate of Moly-D which will give Armor Plate protection to any oil, including motor oils, gear oils, hydraulic oils, compressor oils, and oils for other applications.
Grease/Specialty Products

548 Armor Plate with Moly-D Chain & Cable Lubricant
548 Armor Plate with Moly-D Chain and Cable Lubricant is a rich green industrial grade lubricant compounded from the highest quality base oils, additives, inhibitors and other components. This versatile moly chain lubricant has a strong affinity to metals. This assures the ultimate lubrication of chains, sprockets, cables and wire ropes.

357 Armor Plate with Moly-D Magnum Multipurpose Grease
357 Armor Plate with Moly-D Magnum is a rich green moly grease which provides excellent stability and unsurpassed performance under a wide range of temperatures and operating conditions. Armor Plate grease is entirely unique due to the fact that the moly in it is a compound which provides superior performance to other greases containing the black solid form of moly, molybdenum disulfide.